Nick Muska- Nick Van Pelt Golf Open


11th Annual memorial Nick Muska- Nick Van Pelt Golf Open

Two young West student athletes were tragically taken from us in the prime of their lives.  The West Athletic Booster Club wanted to honor their short, yet fulfilling lives.  Through the support and permission of their families, the Booster Club renamed the West Athletic Booster Club Annual Golf Tournament in 2006 to the The Nick Muska – Nick Van Pelt Memorial Golf Open.  Both Nicks were outstanding students in the classroom and on the fields of athletic competition.


The funds raised through the golf open directly benefit all athletes of West ISD and also allows for scholarships to be given annually to athletes at the WABC Banquet to help further his or her education.  Our goal is to continue to support the West ISD athletes, however in order to do so, we need your support. 


Below are the levels of sponsorship that you or your company/business are asked to consider.


Level 1,   $100 Donation:  Sponsor’s name, company/business information will be posted either on a T-box or Green on the golf course, name will be recognized during the Awards Ceremony and in the local newspaper.


Level 2,   $250 Donation:  Prize Hole Sponsor, such as longest drive or closest to the pin, plus all acknowledgments listed in Level One.


Level 3,   $500 Donation:  Awards Sponsor, all acknowledgments listed in Level One and 2 Complimentary

Entry Fees.


Level 4,   $1000 Donation:  Awards Sponsor, event banners, and all acknowledgments listed in Level One and 4 Complimentary Entry Fees.


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