A tragic incident unfolded when a father allegedly shot and killed his 15-year-old daughter, Hira Anwar, over her TikTok videos. The father, Anwar ul-Haq, who recently moved his family back to Pakistan from the United States, confessed to the crime after initially blaming unidentified gunmen.
Officials said that Hira was born in the United States and was a U.S. citizen.
According to ABC News, the father found his daughter's TikTok posts "objectionable" and was charged with murder. The incident is being investigated as a potential honor killing, a practice not uncommon in Pakistan, where hundreds of such cases occur annually.
BBC News reported that the family had objections to Hira's dressing, lifestyle, and social gatherings. The police have also arrested the father's brother-in-law in connection with the murder. The family had lived in the United States for about 25 years before returning to Pakistan.
If found guilty, the suspects could face a mandatory life sentence due to changes in Pakistani law in 2016.